Saturday, November 02, 2002
Besides all the other crazy bullshit that went on around here last night, a friend of my son's was killed in a car accident. His name was Shawn. Now I didn't know this young man, but just hearing the news hit me in the pit of my stomach, and in my heart. It took me bact to two years ago this January, when my son Nick was in a horrendous car accident, that he survived only by a seatbelt and the Grace of God. I remember the call from my husband, and the tone of his voice. I remember when he told me that NIck was in an accident and it was bad, and mumbling the words "is he alive?" and praying the answer was yes. The answer was "yes". I knew I could handle anything, as long as the answer was "yes". My heart aches tonight for a mother, father, siblings perhaps, and friends who didn't hear the answer "yes" when they asked the same question yesterday. I can't even imagine their pain. My thoughts and prayers go out to Shawns family and friends tonight, to give them strength through this time of loss and pain. My prayers go to Shawn, that he is in peace. Hug the ones you love a little tighter tonight. Say "I love you", just one more time. Smile, laugh, be silly, overlook the stupid things, embrace the "now", count your blessings, live everyday............because you never know. You just never know.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:53 AM | Permalink |