Saturday, September 17, 2005
I'll be off and running again........
next week as I head down to my folks house for a few days. I'll be going with my Mom to an Attorney to discuss legal matters regarding my Dad, in case he should go to a nursing home, they need to protect their assets. I have also made arrangements for us to meet with a woman that does assisted living placemet, so she can give us info on her services, and get the ball rolling on finding my folks a nice place to live. She does the leg work, and you go tour the facilities. Also while I'm there I want to do some things that I didn't get done on my last visit, like istall the new shower head I bought. You'd think my brother would help with this stuff, but he's off in his own galaxy somewhere. Duh. I'm glad there's so much to do, as it keeps my mind busy. And I feel like I'm doing things to make life a bit easier for my parents. At least I hope I am. This is a hard time for all.
posted by Barbie C. at 2:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
All is okay...
not great, but okay with my Dad. They discharged him the night he went to the ER, which was wonderful. He is going to see his Doctor at the end of the week for a check-up. My Mom said that his face is so bruised, especially around one of his eyes, that he looks like he was in one hell of a brawl with something or someone. We know it was a door. Our secret. Bad news is that I think my Dad is heading for a nursing home at the rate his mental state is changing. He is doing things that are dangerous for him, such as deciding to stroll around at will without his walker, resulting in falls. And other stuff too. It is very hard to see him go downhill like this. He hates it. It is a heart wrenching situation.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:41 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Days in a nutshell.......
1) I'm still struggling withn this sinus/cold/allergy bullshit that's going on inside my head in random spurts. And Sudafed is the only thing I'm allowed to take.

2) My Dad fell at home this evening and hit his head on the closet door. He and my Mom are in the emergency room right now. She said he had a ciouple of good bumps on his head, so she called the ambulance to take them to the ER so they could examine him. The last I heard, my Mom said that they had scanned his head and they were waiting for the results. So far, no word.

3) I get confused when people around me that are stressed out, seem to think that I'm the one that's stressed out, when in fact,I believe that I'm a very calm person on a consistent basis. This makes me nuts.

4) The Steeler game on Sunday was awsome! I was so happy to see us kick ass!

5) Hubby and I went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose on Monday night, and although better than I thought it would be, it wasn't as scary as I thought it should be. Although I must admit, it takes alot to scare me at the movies. It was more intense as a courtroom battle, in my opinion, but it did keep my interest all the way through. I really want to see the movie about the penguines. I heard it got an A+ rating!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:12 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Late Summer visitor!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:08 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Just popping in out of guilt....
I've been meaning to write, but at times (alot) it's just too tuff to re-enact everything over again in my head, in order to put it here. At times I find it very theraputic to write, seeing as I don't have a throng of friends to shoot the shit with. Hell, I don't really have one at the moment, let alone a throng. Boo hoo.
Then, out of the blue, I get the urge to spray my mental bullshit all over Blogdom. The randomness is what I like, I think. All in all, I guess I'm like that with everything. Random everything.

Okay, so I guess I'll hit some highlights with a list type of thing, to catch up on past events, without all the boring detailed fillers.

1) Still dealing on a daily basis with my aging parents, that are dealing with numerous serious health issues, at a distance away from me

2) Trying to prepare for the loss of my parents, especially my Dad, as he seems to hang on to each day by a thin thread of hope. Bless his weak heart.

3) Trying to find a job that I'll like.

4) Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

5) Still trying to figure out the answers to the questions about love and life.

6) Being down with a damn annoying cold, that's really trying my patience right now.

7) Hoping we have a nice Fall. I love Fall.

8) I sent in my donations to the Red Cross and the ASPCA. It's the least I could do.

9) I haven't been driving my Vette much. Not becaue of the gas issues, but either I'm down at my folks, or the damn thing needs something repaired. Gawd.

10) I think I killed my Beta fish with nasty ass water.

11) I need to lose weight. I am not happy being rolly-polly.

Well, I think that's all for tonight. My stuffy brain refuses to dig up any more thoughts for today. Sleep well Sweeties. You know who you are.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:38 AM | Permalink | 0 comments