Saturday, September 17, 2005
I'll be off and running again........
next week as I head down to my folks house for a few days. I'll be going with my Mom to an Attorney to discuss legal matters regarding my Dad, in case he should go to a nursing home, they need to protect their assets. I have also made arrangements for us to meet with a woman that does assisted living placemet, so she can give us info on her services, and get the ball rolling on finding my folks a nice place to live. She does the leg work, and you go tour the facilities. Also while I'm there I want to do some things that I didn't get done on my last visit, like istall the new shower head I bought. You'd think my brother would help with this stuff, but he's off in his own galaxy somewhere. Duh. I'm glad there's so much to do, as it keeps my mind busy. And I feel like I'm doing things to make life a bit easier for my parents. At least I hope I am. This is a hard time for all.
posted by Barbie C. at 2:25 PM | Permalink |