Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Pickins are slim
I was just clicking along looking at different Blogs, and I gotta tell ya, good reads are far and few. It took me forever to find one that was semi interesting to me. Lets take a brief tour of what I encountered along my journey.....many spanish blogs, many teenage angst blogs, too many blogs with annimated scrolly things on them, too many blogs that use wing-dings or fuckin' weird symbols *shakes-head*, very large type, or micro mini type, and sometimes just blogs that make no sense whatsoever. Now I'm not braggin' about my little literary wanna-be corner of the world in here, but damn, this shit is pure entertainment compared to alot of the stuff that out there. Take a look. It aint pretty.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:46 PM | Permalink |