Tuesday, September 04, 2001
Screaming as Triciahhh enters "Don't pay AOL I have escaped!!!" Sliding to a screatching hault in front of the keyboard... cigarette ash dropping on the monitor... blowing hard so that all ash is in the rear.. as all ashes should be. Ok serious now I have at last found the site.. now to put my talent to work.......lol, looks like unemployment again!!! Really Karma the least you could have done was unpack spell check for me. You better than anyone should know I spend my time primping instead of learning the basics in grammer. So you all better get used to the spelling and the grammer... Hell thats one way to tell Karma and I apart...shes the prim and proper one.. I am the one with orange and blue hair...not really planned but a kick all the same...Better see if I can get this posted before Karma as a blow out looking for me. By the way.... not to worry she wouldn't have paid AOHELL anyway!
posted by Anonymous at 10:04 PM

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