Friday, March 22, 2002
Nuthin' really new around here today. Most of my excitement happens over on my Shark Attack page! Good news was that I started work late today, so the long morning was really nice. It was snowing like mad when I left this afternoon. It's a good thing I gave myself a bit of extra time, because I got held up by an accident scene, then farther up the road, all the traffic lights were out at some major intersections. Needless to say, the traffic light problem slowed me up alot. One thing I have to say though, I was really surprised how courteous the drivers were of eachother at the problem lights. Everyone just took turns, which is a miracle if you knew how much traffic there is at these lights! Anyway, I did get to work on time. I lucked out tonight, too. The weather was really bad around 7:30, so our boss decided to draw cards to see which two of us could leave early. Well, my card wasn't drawn, but Jeffery's was, and he let me go instead. He's such a gentleman, and has done this for me numerous times over the Winter. Thanks alot Jeff! Well, I do have to be up early tomorrow, but I get out at 5 so that's really a good thing! Nite all!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:29 PM | Permalink |