Sunday, October 20, 2002
Love is a wonderful thing.........but at times, it sucks big time

It's times like these, that I'm glad to be in a long-term relationship, that I believe has weathered the worst of the storms. And hadn't it been for a ton of determination, dedication, love, stubborness, (throw in a touch of good luck), and a willingness to bend a bit, I don't think we'd have made it for 25 years. Being in love is a rough ride, sometimes. Right now, a couple of young people I care alot about, are going through some rough times, and it's very hard to be on the sidelines, and stay impartial. But I am. And it breaks my heart to see them struggle, although I know that this is a natural process, and it happens to all of us at one time or another. Sometimes, alot. Still it bites. I'm not good at this stuff........seeing people unhappy. I always feel like I can fix things. But in matters of the heart, that are not my own, I can't. And it bites. I see the tears, and I remember well, when they were my tears. I see the anger, and I remember my anger. I see the games. Damn it ,I hate the fuckin' games. I never was a game player, but was always on the receiving end. A strong partnership is built and made stronger by conflicts resolved and learned from. But damn it, don't play friggin' games. They only cause hurt, and don't accomplish anything meaningful. And if you think you're a badass cause you play them, well you're not. You're an asshole, plain and simple.

Well, with all that said, all I can do is be here to love and support those two beautiful hearts that are having a rough time right now. (You know who you are) I may not be able to change anything, but maybe I can tell you a few stories that might bring a smile to your face or let you know that you're not alone in your struggles. And always, a shoulder to cry on and arms to hug you tight. Remember, we've all been there at one time or another. You'll be okay. Promise. *Hugs*
posted by Barbie C. at 12:17 AM | Permalink |