Friday, March 26, 2004
My brother Mike is coming up to visit us tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it! Especially since he hasn't been here since Nicks grad party in 2001. Wow! That's a long time between visits, eh? Anyway, he's gonna pick up Nicks "old" computer desk to put in his spare room/office to be. I can tell he's really excited to come up, or as he put it "Road trip"!!! He's been through sooo much over the past year, with getting divorced and all the adjustments that go along with it. And he's had a really tuff time financially this winter. Poor guy needs a break already. He's such a great guy too. We have alot of time to make up for, as he and I have missed out on alot of years together. (Very long story there!) Anyway, gotta get things dusted off a bit around here. He said he might get here around 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. Is he fuckin' nuts or what?? I don't even know where I am at 7:30 anymore. Sheesh, I hope I can sway him to get here a tad bit later. *fingers crossed*
posted by Barbie C. at 12:40 PM | Permalink |