Saturday, October 02, 2004
Crazy hormones.......chill out.
Well, I kinda went "underground" for a few days, to re-group myself together. I do this from time to time, kinda pull back and take inventory of my self, then hide away for awhile 'till I figure shit out, and hopefully come out the other side wiser, calmer and better. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way though, and I'm still a bitchy confused broad when I emerge, and this pisses me off even more. Luckily, that doesn't happen very often. Anyhoo, this time around, I've been dealing with more serious entering "Mentalpause", and how I'm going to handle all the wild shit that is going on, and will go on in my future. Really near future. This is wacky shit I'll tell ya, and seeing as my Mom didn't tell me a damn thing, I'm on my own to find out what the hell's up, and what I need to do to stay healthy, and not kill or maim my spouse while my hormones are all over the place. They call it puberty in reverse. Great fuckin' shit. That's just what I was hoping for right about now. Well, at least I've come up with a game plan, and so far it seems to be working. More about my plan later....this gal is gettin' tired. Nighty night little lambies.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:16 AM | Permalink |