Well I'm leaving in the morning, with my faithful side-kick Bitsy, and heading down to "da 'Burgh" to visit the parental units for a couple of days. It should be a very nice visit, as I haven't been down to see them in a loooooong time,
alone, and I have a box full of little goodies to surprise them with, just because. So it should be alot of fun. Plus, they always get a kick out of the "Bits" and her quirky antics, so she's not only going with me because I'd miss her like crazy if she didn't, but for pure senior citizen entertainment. She's a riot! So anyway, I don't plan on being back 'till sunday evening, and I have no computer access there, *shudder*, sooooooo, have a super fantastic weekend, and I'll be back here on Sunday night. Ta, Ta!