Odd kinda day.....
Hubby and I just kinda hung around the house today, doing a hella lot of nothing. Nice, in my opinion. For some reason I felt out of sorts today in a way that I just can't put my finger on. I just felt a little left of center. Maybe it was because I slept in really late today. I dunno. We watched Kill Bill 2 after dinner, and even though I found it
mildly entertaining in a surreal sort of way, I certainly didn't find it as whooping wonderful as the people who were raving about it when it first came out. Maybe with around, hmmmm, lets say 4 or 5 shots of tequila in me I might find it fucking wonderful, but not with any less. To me the movie was just one big mind fuck. Period. And there were scenes that just dragged on f-o-r-e-v-e-r. I don't need Quinten ugly ass I can't spell his last name to make a movie to piss with my mind. The popcorn was excellent though.