Seeing double, double.....
I've been experiencing something for
quite awhile now, and I have to say, it's not only starting to really freak me out, alot, but it's also getting aggrivating. I just don't know what it means. Here's my dilema, and this happens all day, everyday....when I look at numbers, wether it's the time or a receipt, whatever, they come up in doubles or triples. Examples, I look at the time and it's 1:11, or 2:22, etc. Last week , in one day, I had a gas receipt for $14.14 (the pump stopped there by itself), a Sheetz receipt for $4.44, and a Giant Eagle receipt for $29.29. Then add in all the clock doubles/triples throughout the day. What the hell is this shit all about? I even yell to my Hubby when it happens and he's around so he can see what I mean. I swear he thinks I'm nutty. I dunno. Am I supposed to play the lottery or something?