What Rock & Roll crypt ....
did someone drag sir Paul Mcartney out of, just in time to perform at the Super Bowl yesterday? Are you
kidding me??!!! I could smell the moth balls through my TV set. I couldn't believe my ears, when I heard the announcer say that he was the halftime entertainment. Now dont get me wrong, the Beatles were huge in their time, and still have fans to this day, as I'm sure good ole Paul does too. But p-l-e-a-s-e, this is the friggin' Super Bowl, and I'm
sure the producers get a "super budget" to spend on half-time entertainment, wouldn't ya think? And I'm
sure there are stars all over the world that woul kill to play at the Super Bowl, and the best they could come up with was musty, old, AARP card carryin' Sir Paul. I think they're concern over another wardrobe malfunction completely turned them in the wrong direction. Well, at least the fireworks and the commercials were prety good. Gotta love those chimps!