Saturday, September 29, 2001
Hello Best Friend of mine....time to cut some trees, maybe then I would catch a glimpse of you as you run to work. Funny you think of yourself as cozy calm comfy.......the people I work with have heard many stories of you and call you my wild crazy neighbor... and they do ask about you. OK I do imbellish a story now and then but Luv, nobody deserves my story telling more than you. By the way.. I did see you out naked the other nite......LOL you really should put sompfin on that ass when you hook the dog out!! Well guess by now you are pissed and will come knocking on my door.....hope so the coffee is always on for you. Hitting the hay now.. nitey nite Dear. P.S. please have the courtesy to put on a shirt.. **HUGS**
posted by Anonymous at 12:30 AM | Permalink |