Friday, November 23, 2001
Happy Black Friday. For anyone working retail, this translates to " I can't wait to start work at the butt-crack of dawn, and greet a crazy mob of bargain hunting lunatics, with little or no regard for their fellow shoppers, and keep a big smile on my face as they grab my shirt trying to get my attention, all the while saying Happy Holidays, and listening to White Christmas being played for the 100th freakin' time in 9 hours." And the season has just started. I personally think that all the "America stands united" stuff totally went out the window this morning, when they're standing at Wal Mart at 6am, anxiously waiting for the doors to open so they can get that $19.99 CD player for their best friend. Boy oh boy, you'll be a big hero on her list when you tell her that you plowed down 5 old ladies while racing to the electronics department for that special gift. Go you!! I guess all consideration for your "fellow Americans" goes right down the tubes when sales and bargains are involved.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:09 PM | Permalink |