Thursday, November 22, 2001
Happy Thanksgiving. for the past couple of days I have been taking care of Karma's Queen.. the family pet. She is so sweet and so old and so frail looking. I Love her to death.. Tonight I left my dog out and went to Karma's to take the Queen out... lumbering as she does to the back yard I followed her.. feeling so sorry for this once scary as shit dog hears us and breaks her chain coming over... the Queen still has it in her!!! She drug me all the way to Karma's front door after my dog. Of course chicken shit dog that I have ran like hell home. The Queen enters her home and stands looking at me with a smile* gotta love that old lady. Thanks for letting me care for the Queen. On the topic of old woman...... I called my own mother to wish her a happy turkey day.... and you know what.......I can't remember hanging up the phone! I worried all day that I hung up while she was talking. I was scared I had a major brain fart and would prob soon fall over dead of a brain aneurysm.. (spelling left to the reader). After many hours of trying to reason what happened to the phone call I swallowed my pride and called her back. When I explained this to her she laughed and said she wished she had known she would have "played" me for all I was worth! Come to realize my sister had taken the phone to say hello to her and when she was done she had hung up. I was busy doing the dishes and had not even noticed. So Mom say's "had I known I would have called you back and chewed you out for hanging up on me, just to hear your reaction" I don't carry enough guilt for the world.. Mom has to add to it whenever possible.......Gotta Love them old ladies. Off to take my geritrol and climb into my posturepedic bed... nite all......
posted by Anonymous at 11:41 PM | Permalink |