Wednesday, November 14, 2001
I awoke today in a very calm and peacful state of mind, and I'm so happy to have my inner calmness back. It's very hard to stay in this place, as outside influences fight to enter and disrupt the tranquility. I'm back to meditation again, as it keeps me centered and focused, although I don't do it as much as I probably should. There is so much stress related negativity in the air anymore, what with all that has happened over the past couple of months. Sometimes I feel like a sponge, in that I absorb the vibes around me. At times it can be overwhelming, like it has been lately, and that's when I need to retreat from it all for awhile and re-group. So for the time being I'm not reading the paper, watching the news or discussing current events. What is, is and what will be, will be. I will now find bliss in a hot bubble bath, a steaming cup of orange spice tea and a night filled with zzzzzzzzzzz's. Ahhhhhhhh! Sweet dreams.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:27 PM | Permalink |