Sunday, November 04, 2001
Hey there!
Glad i finally got a moment to check out the neighbors... I too saw the stealths......but didnt know what i was watching until now.. now i know i was aposta be scared. I was a ways from them but they were really attention getters.....nothing so stealth about them at night.
I am down in the dumps and tried to stay away from human kind as of late. Feeling a bit better so you just may see me for coffee and pie yet. Work has been odd... there is a native there that came to me the other day and wanted to know what was going on. She said she felt they were all out to get me.. that she could see the trap being laid. I have felt it for a week now.. I just am unsure of the reason behind it. My pay was short $ now do i go and complain on top of all thats going on? Shit ....... i need me a sugar daddy that likes me. Oh well off to work again in the morn so nitey nite.
posted by Anonymous at 9:49 PM | Permalink |