Saturday, December 22, 2001
Well kids, "Mother Christmas" has just about wrapped things up. *no pun intended* The afternoon drive home from work didn't start out that well. In fact it didn't start at car that is. I got in, turned the key, and.........nothing, nada, silence. Damn. So I went inside and asked if any of my co-workers had cables and one of the guys did, so he came out to help me. Well, while he was hooking up the jumpers, I noticed that if he wiggled the left cable, my lights flickered on, then off. He figured out that it wasn't a dead battery, *phew*, but a loose terminal wire. So he tightened it for me, I thanked him, and I was on my way. Thank-you Jeff! I picked up a few things for our Christmas dinner at Wal Mart, (and a set of cables for my car!!), and I was on my way home. I baked a few dozen cookies and finished wrapping our gifts, then gave Nick a hair cut and I am. Gonna shower and hit the sheets in a bit, as I have to work tomorrow, but luckily not till 1.
Earlier tonight, Hubbs kept asking me, "Now what was it you wanted for Christmas"? I really hope this man is kidding with me. Either that, or he's a bloomin' fruitcake. What is it with guys and this last minute shit? Oh well, I'm sure as hell not gonna try to figure that one out. He better be playin' games here. If he isn't, then he can stand in line tomorrow with all his male counterparts, who think that shopping at the last minute and getting all the crumpled left-overs is a way cool ritual of some sort. "High five" on. Sheesh. Peace.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:09 AM | Permalink |