Monday, March 25, 2002
Man, I need to get some serious sleep tonight. I tossed and turned all damn night last night. It is sooo frustrating when that happens! I almost dozed off this afternoon at work. Not a good thing to do on the sales floor, but we were very slow today, and that made it very easy to kinda nod off for a sec here and there. No biggie though. I just grabbed anpother cup of coffee and I was good to go untill closing. But now that I'm home and relaxed, it's really starting to hit me. Tomorrow's my last day of work for a whole week. I can't wait to get a bit done around the house, (hopefully outside), and finish up my Easter shopping. Well, I think I better hit the sheets and get rested up for tomorrow. With a bit of luck, and the right attitude, the day will go fast. Nitey night! Zzzzzzzzzz
posted by Barbie C. at 11:03 PM | Permalink |