Friday, May 31, 2002
Today was a long ass day. In fact, lately, they've all been long ass days. No business to speak of, makes every hour seem like two. The great news is after tomorrow, I'm off for three days, and heading south on Sunday night to visit my folks for a bit. I need a small getaway, if only overnight. I need a change of scenery.........bad! So I"ll hit the road, just cruise and unwind a bit, and have a nice visit with Mum and Dad, alone. Nice. I hope to go to lunch with them at the fire hall on Monday, and meet all the friends that they're always talking about. Other than that, I'll be happy to just chill on their deck with a cold drink, bullshit the day away, and just enjoy their company. One more tortureous day of work to go. Gotta hit the sheets. Nite!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:33 PM | Permalink |