Wednesday, July 24, 2002
I went to the hospital this morning for my pre-op testing. The two worst parts of the ordeal were, no coffee and finding a parking spot. I ended up parking in the lot, and luckily I had just enuff quarters to cover my time there. The testing part wasn't bad at all......answered a few health questions, had a chest x-ray, and gave a bit of blood. The woman that drew the blood samples was fantastic...............I didn't even know the needle was in my hand. Yeah, they have to take it from my hand because the veins are too deep in my arm, and no one ever gets to them without causing me alot of pain, and me wanting to punch them in the face for hurting me. The only part that got to me a bit, (alot), was when the gal that was talking to me about the anestesia, told me that they would be putting a tube down my throat to help me breathe, but I would be asleep when they did. Whoopteeshit. I don't want a friggin' tube down my throat................ever! Asleep or not. I'm not happy about this at all. After all that, I went and had a root canal. Hopefully my tooth will stop driving me nuts now. Fun morning, huh?
posted by Barbie C. at 4:49 PM | Permalink |