Monday, November 11, 2002
Today started out the usual way, with me thinking my "this job sucks ass" thoughts.Then all hell broke loose, and we were bombarded with frenzied customers for about 5 hours straight. No shit. We couldn't even go take a piss without someone tracking us down for help. Now don't get me wrong, this is a welcome change. But damn, it was a bit much. Luckily I had a few great sales that will hopefully bring me up to speed for the month. Even so, I'm having a martini tonight, partially in celebration for a great day of sales, and partially because my job still sucks ass. See, one great day does not a wonderful job make. It sure as hell feels great, but does not make up for the hundreds of f*cked up days. I need a career change. I have some options in mind. It won't be quick in coming, but everyday I need to keep my goals in sight, and I'll get there. I always do. I need more olives.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:38 AM | Permalink |