Wednesday, December 04, 2002
I had a fabulously wonderful day today............doing something I wanted to do, instead of doing things I should do. Like boring hosehold stuff. Sometimes the practical Capricorn side of me keeps me from having fun. Today I wasn't about to let that happen, and I'm so glad didn't! Amanda and I went out gown shopping together, for a wedding she's in this coming January. I had a great time, and I believe she did too. And the best thing was that she found a gorgeous gown, that she just loves and looks adorable in, in no time at all!! Wow! Actually it was the first one she tried on, and that was that. It looked perfect, except for possibly needing hemmed and the straps altered a bit. That's it! Amazing. We headed to the mall, and she found cute shoes in Penneys. All she needs is to figure out the jewelry and a bag. I can't wait to see how she looks on the day of the wedding. I think she'll look like a Winter Princess. *smiles*

Well, as much as I hate to, I must head off to bed now, as it's back to the "grind" tomorrow, and I don't want to be draggin' my ass all day. Ugh, going back is always rough after 3 days of being at home. But at least I return knowing that I got a few things on my "to do" list taken care of. I got the Christmas decorations started, the hamster cages cleaned, and my Avon books delivered. In the next couple weeks, I need to decorate the tree, write and send out the Christmas cards, go shopping, and figure out what the hell I want for Christmas besides a Colgate Spinbrush Pro. Honestly, that's all I can think that I want. *shrugs shoulders* Nitey night snow babies.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:30 AM | Permalink |