Saturday, January 25, 2003
Has it been almost a week since I last graced my Blog pages with useless, rambling bullshit? Sheesh, I guess so! How time flys when your tired as a dead dog and gagging on gross cough meds, just so you can try to eek out perhaps a couple hours of sleep at night. Get the picture? I been feelin' like shit lately, and just haven't been up to sharing my precious thoughts. Well, here I am, feeling better, but not quite full throttle just yet. I think tonight is "clean house night" for my hamsters. I have become a slum-lord, and they're starting to give me dirty little hamster looks. That, or I've just taken too damn cold meds over the past two weeks. Nah, they're lookin' at me funny. So I better get my ass in gear and spruce up the little critters abodes.........pronto.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:24 PM | Permalink |