Friday, January 03, 2003
Today was another stressful day at work. And for good reason this time. Shit hit the fan at our Friday sales meeting, as we found out that the corporation has again raised our sales expectations. Bad enough in and of itself, made even worse by low sales the past few months. A couple of the guys were trying to figure out how long it will be untill all of us are gone. June? Maybe July? I came home frazzled to the core. I realize I have to come up with a plan "B" should I get the "boot". Good news is, if I do get fired over quotas, I can at least collect unemployment for awhile. Bad news benefits. I need to line up my ducks in a hurry. Man this sucks. Sometimes I honestly believe that good guys finish last.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:06 PM | Permalink |