Friday, February 28, 2003
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go! Have a great Friday everyone!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:48 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
My last post is directed to those of you that experience winter every year. And by that I mean, temperatures near 0, blowing and drifting snow, snowpiles up over your head, ice storms, dodging assholes that drive too fast for conditions, etc. Not just where the temps. fall 20 degrees or so, and it's a bit "chilly" outside. That aint fuckin' winter, see? So if you're one of those people that have a "chilly" winter, and you're asking yourself, "What's so bad about February"?..........bite me. And have a nice day.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:10 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I don't know about you, but I sure as hell am glad that February is about to end. This has been one long-ass month. Sheeeesh.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:57 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
When it comes to reading web logs, there's nothing that bugs me more than people that just can't friggin' spell, or don't bother to check their spelling. I hope it's just that they're lazy and don't check the spelling, because if that's not the case, we have alot of people out there in "higher education" that couldn't spell a word properly to save their fuckin' life. (No, not you Amanda! Lol!) I'm dun nowe. Buy.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:01 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Today was a nice day spent at home. Bad news is, I believe I have the start of another needless to say, I'm not real happy about it. I hope I can fight this one off better than I did the last one. I know that I need to get a good nights sleep tonight, as I have a really long day ahead tomorrow. *dread* Good news is, I have a 4 day week at work, so I'm very happy about that! Then a wonderful 3 day weekend to top it off! Woo hoo! I'll have to keep that in mind, as I trudge throught the day tomorrow. Night all, I'm off to sleepy land. Zzzzzzzzz.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:53 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, February 24, 2003

Happy 21st Birthday Amanda!

posted by Barbie C. at 11:44 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 23, 2003

Only 1 more day untill Amanda's 21st birthday!

posted by Barbie C. at 12:25 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
I'm going to get rid of this Pepto Dismal pink pretty soon. I just haven't had any friggin' time to do it. My ass is dragging big time this morning. My eyes are blurry, my neck is stiff and I haven't been sleeping well lately. Maybe a hot shower will set me right. I don't know. Right now I just feel like dog shit. But, tomorrow's a new day, and after work tomorrow....oh yeah.....two delicious days off! I'm so ready for those days off. G'night!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:23 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, February 21, 2003
The thought of all those young people lost in that tragic club fire in Rhode Island just has me so upset and sad. Especially when it didn't have to happen. That band shouldn't have had pyro shit in a small club like that, with flammable materials all around them. And it's not as if they were a new band or something, with no experience. They've been around for a long time, with lots of venues in the past. Where were they're heads? Too late now. Lots of empty beds tonight, where feisty young people should be sleeping, dreaming about what a wonderful time they had last night. But they're not there tonight. I can't even imagine the pain of the families and friends.. I think I'm gonna go give my son an extra big hug tonight. And be very happy to see him lounging on his bed.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I'm too tired to think. Note to self: 4 hours of sleep = feel like shit the following day. Get it. Got it. G'night.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:54 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
There is power in prayer, this I know. Another thing I know involving prayer, is that it doesn't work in regards to things like Ebay. Ebay is "prayer-proof". I can't seem to stay away from the shopping nirvana I've discovered right here in the comfort of my own home. See, I'm a confessed shopahoilc, and bringing my passion to my fingertips, any time night or day,'s a big friggin' problem, and I feel I need some kind of divine intervention here. Or some Ebay Kriptonite. Whatever. I know....... I need Bush to nuke Ebay..... that's it! Problem solved. And this would be as nice diversion for him. Now I just gotta find that White House link, so I can drop him a line about my proposal. Later!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:31 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, February 17, 2003
Today's prayer: "Dear Lord, since I have discovered Ebay, my life has gone to auction hell. I can't stop looking for auctions, placing bids, and hitting the PayPal button at break neck speeds. I need help! Is there any chance that Ebay could go offline for like, a month or so while I get myself into a 12 step recovery program? Any help would be appreciated. While I wait for your reply, I'll be browsing around in Auto Parts and Accessories". Amen
posted by Barbie C. at 4:54 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I didn't smack Joy upside her head yesterday, but I did tell her that if she ever does that shit again, I'm gonna haul her outside and give her a good ass whippin'. I think she got my drift.
posted by Barbie C. at 3:20 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 16, 2003
Thanks Amanda for loaning me the Tae Bo tape! You're a sweetie!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:22 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 15, 2003
Work was less than great today. I only had one sale today, and that was nothing to write home about. Then at the very end of the day, Joy jumps my up, and gets a nice sale out of it. Meanwhile, she already has over $4000.00 in sales for the day. When I approached her about it, she just giggled and played stupid about the whole issue. So I told her that if I ever do the same thing to her, I don't want to hear a god damn thing about it. God, I just wanted to smack her a good one, right upside her head. I still might.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Hubby and I had a fantastic Valentines Day. Memorable, to say the least!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:40 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, February 14, 2003
I sure am one lucly lady. Hubby wrote "I Love You" in the snow in huge letters in our yard last night, (along with a snow angel!) and today he sent me a dozen red roses at work! Wow! What a romantic he is, and how fortunate I am to have him to love me. And here I am armed only with chocolate strawberries and whipped cream..........hmmmm. I love Valentines Day!
posted by Barbie C. at 6:54 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

posted by Barbie C. at 12:51 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Holy cow shit. My page looks like one that friggin' Barbie would have. Speaking of Barbie, there's a t-shirt that I want to get that says, "I want to be Barbie. That bitch has everything". Just thought it would be good for a chuckle or two!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:04 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I hope the colors don't hurt the eyes too much.......I was in a Valentine's Day kinda mood. What can I say?
posted by Barbie C. at 9:56 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Well, I offically started my Tae Bo workouts today, and I guess it's obvious it didn't kill me (yet). I didn't make it through the whole tape, and I only did half of the sets they did, but I broke a pretty good sweat, and called it quits when I knew I had enough. Not too bad for one who hasn't worked out in about 20 years or so. I did enjoy the workout, and I feel it will keep my interest for a long time. I plan to do basic mat exercises along with the Tae Bo as a change of pace. Phew............gotta hit the shower.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:11 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, February 10, 2003
I really got alot done today, which was a nice surprise, considering that I had originally planned on sitting on my ass all day, and doing nuthin'! I went to Wal Mart and had my oil changed in the New Yorker, and did a bit of cosmetic shopping. Yeah, even though I sell Avon, and I primarily buy their stuff, I like to try new stuff by other brands too. I left there, and went to Hallmark to pick up a couple of birthday cards and a few Valentines. From there, I delivered a couple of orders, then headed home to make chili for dinner, and do laundry, clean up the kitchen, write out bills...................and now that all that's done, I'm relaxing! I joined Ebay the other day, and I currently have a bid in for a chrome air cleaner lid for the Vette. I think it will look sharp, adding a bit of chrome under the hood, and the price was right, so it's an inexpensive addition to boot. I gotta think thrifty, as I want to have plenty of cash for the gas. And at the rate the prices are going, it's gonna cost a friggin'fortune to cruise this summer. Hopefully prices will drop drastically by then. *crosses fingers*

I also checked out the beginners Tae Bo tape today, and all I have to say is that it's either gonna whip my ass into fantastic shape, or...........kill me. There's no grey area here. I mean, Billy Blanks is sweating like a pig, and he's in fantastic shape. I really hope I don't die. If I do croak, please lay me out in a crop top to show off the great abs I (hopefully) have. I mean, that's what this was all about, and I don't want to go to the grave without anyone seeing them. Thanks in advance.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:25 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 09, 2003
I'm really excited about starting Tae bo workouts. I believe this will be one exercise plan that will not only work, but will keep me interested and motivated. I loved it when Hubbs and I took martial arts classes together in our twenties, and being that this is very similar, I think I'll like it alot. Once I get past the initial aches and pains of beginning a new workout, I'll be fine.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:22 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 08, 2003
Well, I haven't posted in awhile, because I've been pretty busy working, and really haven't had much to say. Work has been going great this week. In fact everything has been great lately. I'm almost afraid if I talk about how wonderful things are, I'll jinx myself. Nah......I really don't believe in that shit. Lately I've been feeling on top of the work, at home, in my head, body and spirit. It's like everything is working perfectly and at peak performance. I love this shit! It feel so wonderful to be in charge of things for a change, like finally alot of things are going my way. I have three glorious days off ahead, and I plan to enjoy them to the fullest!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:49 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
Hubbs arrived home safely tonight around 8ish. This was a surprise to me, as they weren't supposed to get in till tomorrow night. Oh well, it's nice to have him home again, and I did get the house all spiffed up before he arrived, which was great. I feel much better now, knowing I got all the much neglected cleaning done around this place. Phew I busted ass today, as I was full of energy unlike any I've seen in a long time! Must be the vitamins I've been taking! Well, all the activities today have worn me out, so I think I'm going to get some much needed rest. Long day tomorrow, and I want to be on my toes, ya know. Nite.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:12 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
While Hubbs is in North Carolina golfing with his brother Ron, I have been enjoying a few days of "me time". I love it, and the bit of freedom it gives me. It's not that I'm even doing anything special, but for a few days I can do what I want, when I want, and his schedual isn't involved. It's just a nice break from the norm. I do miss him alot though. We are together all the time, pretty much the story since we met 26 years ago. So when he is gone, there's a void, that even though I enjoy in small doses, I could not handle being apart from him for a long period of time. It's nice having someone to love, and love you back. Indeed.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:59 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Here's another interesting search entry that brought someone to my site........"Do trees sleep at a regular time"? And I thought I was quirky!!!! Yikes.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:32 AM | Permalink | 0 comments