I really got alot done today, which was a nice surprise, considering that I had originally planned on sitting on my ass all day, and doing nuthin'! I went to Wal Mart and had my oil changed in the New Yorker, and did a bit of cosmetic shopping. Yeah, even though I sell Avon, and I primarily buy their stuff, I like to try new stuff by other brands too. I left there, and went to Hallmark to pick up a couple of birthday cards and a few Valentines. From there, I delivered a couple of orders, then headed home to make chili for dinner, and do laundry, clean up the kitchen, write out bills...................and now that all that's done, I'm relaxing! I joined Ebay the other day, and I currently have a bid in for a chrome air cleaner lid for the Vette. I think it will look sharp, adding a bit of chrome under the hood, and the price was right, so it's an inexpensive addition to boot. I gotta think thrifty, as I want to have plenty of cash for the necessities............like gas. And at the rate the prices are going, it's gonna cost a friggin'
fortune to cruise this summer. Hopefully prices will drop drastically by then. *crosses fingers*
I also checked out the beginners Tae Bo tape today, and all I have to say is that it's either gonna whip my ass into fantastic shape, or...........kill me. There's no grey area here. I mean, Billy Blanks is sweating like a pig, and he's in fantastic shape. I really hope I don't die. If I do croak, please lay me out in a crop top to show off the great abs I (hopefully) have. I mean, that's what this was all about, and I don't want to go to the grave without anyone seeing them. Thanks in advance.