Wednesday, September 05, 2001

D(m)ental Abuse???

Went to the friggin' dentist this morning........go in to have a cap glued back in. Now I feel like I need a damn therapist! Let's start off by saying that I'm about as far away from a morning person as you can get. Personally, I find those perky mornin' people obnoxious, and I pretty much just wanna bitch-slap em' when they get around me with their happy morning bullshit. Mornings suck here in La La Land......Nuff said 'bout that. So I guzzle my coffee and head out, thinking this should be an in and out kinda thing. WRONG! I get in the chair, and my dentist comes in and says, "By the way, I'm not practicing anymore. Meet Dr. Bla Bla (I wasn't comprehending all this), he'll be taking over for me." Well, okay I what am I gonna say? Not like they asked my opinion on the whole matter! So on we go.....oh, oh.....looks like decay there too. Shit. Well, to make a long story bearable, drill, shot, more drilling, glue, bondo, more drill, head left, up, down, rinse & spit. All done? Hell no! ...Another little cavity, lets fix that now. Hell, lets just wrack up the old platinum fact, let's just make a whole day of it...I'll spring for lunch asshole! So we fix the cavity and they set me free. Well, can't go yet...the finance witch grabs ahold of me, and hits me with the damage to my pocketbook. It's a shame I have to tell hubby that he'll be living at the dentists house as a man-servent....bartering is the way to go I'll tell ya! Well, I go out into the world broke,drooling and babbling (novicane in full force!) and praying to God that my hubby doesn't object to what I've packed for him for his trip. He did say for better or worse. If I don't post for a few days......hubby didn't find this amusing. Check garden....hint, hint. Lol!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:21 PM | Permalink |