Tuesday, October 02, 2001
Full moon? I sure hope so that would mean that all of today will end and the morning it will be all better. I am a single parent that happens to be married. Shiit sometimes life isn't fair.. Son woke today claiming he was ill... ok mad dash at the last moment to find a sitter... I find one that can stay for an hour... calling again... find another that can stay for two hours... ok.. well hell at least I can get to work.. driving a car pool sucks!! I leave 20 minutes late and hit every tractor in the entire farming community. Ok now in town and all the red lights.....arghhh. Pick up the people I need..who are also running late.. all of us on edge.. I have to stop and get a card for the office to sign.. death of a grandmother of a co-worker...for a brief moment daydreamed of that peaceful sleep.......I did snap out of it in time to follow a city bus.....choke, cough, oh pewww -- the rest of the way to work. Today was moving day. They moved our office, which means out of the 100 pc's lucky if 30 are working. Of course the first two I try don't work. Finding my groove and a pc that works now and settle in. I feel a shadow looming over me... I look up to see a new trainee standing eagerly beside me...shiit. This is what I need today. He introduces himself.. a rather nicely built man....but not sure what his face looks like. He never raised his head above my bust line.......After a few hours they come and tell me that due to my sons illness i can go home! Happy to go home until i see son is up and running around.......hes not sick!!!! Load his lil butt up and drive him to school.....home again and its only 1p.m. My sister calls and she is having the dog put to sleep.. oh man..............i should have stayed in bed. I won't even go into the frogs escaping in my kitchen........arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Full moon indeed.
posted by Anonymous at 10:47 PM | Permalink |