Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Get this: our ladies room toilet clogged up yesterday, so today the boss gets Roto Rooter to come in and un-clog the sucker. After all is said and done, he walks over to us gals and states that a paper towel was the culprit of the clog, and it cost him $100.00 to fix it. Of course there's a big sign in the ladies room about this now. Furthermore, if this happens again, he's gonna have to shut down our bathroom. WTF. (Next thing you know, he's gonna lock the sucker up, and put the key on a big hunk of wood, like at a gas station, and make us as ask for permission to use it like a school kid.) This is beyond ludicrious. Then to top it all off, the woman who is our store decorator, and cleaning woman, starts bitching about how much toilet paper we go thru in a week. Another WTF! I guess we'll have to start rationing paper next. We laughed so hard about this today, I thought I was gonna split my gut! This is just insane. These people really need to get a life. Hell, you can't even take a piss anymore without getting some kind of complex!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:46 PM | Permalink |