Congratulations Nick!!
Hubbs and I drove out to the car show at Enormis on Saturday night, and personally, I had a great time. Nick placing third in his class, and taking home a nice trophy, left me riding home with a big smile on my face! I was really hoping he'd take something home, the kid works so hard on the car, and lord knows he doesn't have alot of cash to work with. There were alot of awesome cars there, so I didn't know how things would turn out for him. When they announced his name, Amanda and I just screamed! This other gal did too, but hell if I can remember her name. She's a sweet person, but my memory just sucks when it comes to names. Anyway, the three of us screamed and clapped.....loudly! WooooHooo! This was the first time I had ever been to an Import show, and I must say those cars are really something to see! And when it got dark, and all the neon light came on, it looked like a freakin'n carnival! It was great! (even if my other half acted like a "fud-dud"!)