Stressful day today. For no reason in particular, and for everything in general. Some days, like today, everything just seems to come crashing down, making me feel like I'm buried alive and I can't breathe. I want to get out of my skin and run away, from the feeling of panic, but then knowing there's nowhere to run stirs the panic even more. Damn hormonal bullshit combined with this nicotine cessation is a real bitch to deal with. Some days it's a breeze and others, pure hell. I made it through though, with
alot of reassuring words from Hubby, an Ativan, a hot shower and hopefully, a good nights sleep. Hubbs wants me to ride down to the 'Burgh with him tomorrow to visit with my folks 'till Saturday evening, but I don't know if I'm into that, with the way I've been feeling lately. Lord knows I want to see my parents. I haven't had a decent visit with them in a long while. I just don't know if I can do the overnight thing. Lately, it doesn't take much to throw me into a spin. I don't need that to happen at my folks house. they have enuff stuff to handle, without me having a panic attack while I'm visiting. A daytrip yeah....I just don't know about staying over. What to do?