Friday, September 21, 2001
Today was an emotionally draining day at work....and it didn't involve the attack in any way at all. I must have a look that compels people to tell me all their problems, anytime...anywhere. Like in the mattress department, today at work. I was helping a sweet, timid woman purchase a bed and a mattress, when the next thing I knew the conversation turned from a delivery date, to how she was abused by a guy in California, she fled with her kids and dog across the country, only to have her kids and dog taken away, because someone thought she was emotionally unfit to keep them. She has tried to commit suicide twice....the last time a few weeks ago. She's trying to pick up the pieces of her life, one day at a time with the help of local womens groups, etc. God she sat there and cried and thanked me for listening to her. How could I not listen to her story? The poor thing lives in fear, as the ass who hurt her is looking for her.(she even showed me her protection order.) I gave her a big hug as she left,(I've given alot of hugs too) and told her that she is strong, and a great person, and to stop in and see me anytime, if only to chat a bit. I went outside after she left, puffed on a cig and just shook. I felt her pain in every word she said. I felt them to the core of my being. I was happy to see, that when she left, she at least had a bit of a smile on her face...happy with the purchase she just made for herself......and maybe a bit more hopeful that things are going to be ok. The sales lady said so.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:26 PM | Permalink |