Wednesday, September 12, 2001
In the next few weeks things will be a bit out of control emotionally.. When opening my mail yesterday 9/11/01 I find this letter from a self help author whom I highly respect and feel it may be of some help....please read and share with your friends...and enemies alike...

When a catastrophic event like this happens, powerful feelings may arise. So I offer this: Don't give any more power to a small group of people almost certainly zealots of some kind whose twisted psyches (along with self-sacrificial devotion to their dark illusions).If this had been a tornado or earthquake, it would have represented a magic blip in nature's enigmatic scheme. But this was personal; human
beings did this deliberately to other human beings. And some of us are reacting exactly as they wished -- to bring the entire country to a halt, and to create waves of paralysis much farther-reaching than the localized damage caused, generating reactive shockwaves all over our country (and the world).

This catastrophic series of events remind us that while we cannot control circumstances in the world or in our personal lives, we can choose how we will respond. None of us can (or should) stop or control our natural emotional reactions, but we can help thwart their nefarious intent by controlling our behavior -- by responding in our circle of friends with compassion and calm. These people can only succeed in bringing our lives to a halt with our cooperation. Let's not give them power over our psyches; let's not serve their goals.
Let's remember to breathe deeply, to relax our bodies, and to focus on the present moment, doing what needs to be done.Historically, this attack may rank with Pearl Harbor -- and when our country is roused, it becomes a giant, and some kind of justice will prevail. What form that "justice" may take is difficult to predict. One thing is certain; out of every adversity or challenge comes new lessons
and growth.

In the coming days and weeks, this event will become a topic of intense conversation (and action in appropriate quarters); the dead will be buried and grieved; the injured cared for; the FBI, CIA and other military activated. You and I will go on with our lives.Let's pray for those who need it; let's accept our emotions without letting them disable our clarity; let's keep our hearts open, even to the waves
of pain; and let's resolve to do what we can, in our own humble ways, to help create a world of understanding, compassion, courage, and love -- beginning with ourselves.

posted by Anonymous at 6:56 AM | Permalink |