Saturday, September 08, 2001

Down and Out!

Well it seems we lost our comment link for awhile, and it totally drove me buggy as to what the problem was. Let it hereby be known, that I am in no way, shape or form, a computer genius! In fact I'm not a genius at any realm...what-so-ever. Shit, I've diverted from the main topic here (I do this alot!) Anyway, I finally found out that Reblogger was down for a bit, and all I had to do was change the coding in my template, and all would be well again in "comment land". I did get the comment links up again, but I lost all the freakin' comments. *frown* Hopefully this won't happen again any time soon. I didn't post anything yesterday, as I was totally burned out after work. So I basically crashed out before 11. No urge to speak, listen, type, think. Sleep was my salvation.....blissful zzzzzzzzzzzz's
posted by Barbie C. at 8:07 PM | Permalink |