Friday, September 07, 2001

Payday Friday!

Sometimes its all you can do to drag your ass out of that warm bed and get ready for work. Some days you roll over .. take a look.. and jump out of bed. Quick shower, throw on some clothes and off to work. I know it drives the men nuts to see us put makeup on in the car so I have begun to make a habit of it.. and on some mornings can even manage a cell call while doing it....driving? oh yeah I can keep it near my lane too. This morning promised to be a long day.. so thinking fast I put on jeans and sneakers.. a no no at work.. hoping to be able to pick up my paycheck and be sent home for inproper attire.....well shit guess what day it was....come to work casual......figures dont it? On my way I stop and pick up the same guy everyday.. he's pretty cool usually. Today he comes out in his boxers and says he will be ready in a few. I sit and wait....for a man.. whats wrong with me anyway. He hops in the car singing Bob Dillon....well ok sure it will stop in a few.................................hundred miles!!! I let him go only cause he was drunk and having a hell of a time.. started rubbing off and i begun to feel better .. or perhaps I was nearing intoxication on the fumes. Whatever the case .. the man, myself and bob dillion survived the day. Paycheck..........dont make me laugh... its only 9:30pm and its already gone..... have to wait another two weeks now.......or maybe the government will send me another check to help them with inflation.
posted by Anonymous at 9:32 PM | Permalink |