Off the wall
This post is not going to be entertaining, enlightening, comical or any of that other happy bullshit. No. No way, nada, no how, by no fuckin' means. I'm a tad bit ruffled and I just feel the need to all out vent....just for a bit (so bear with me). Screw that...I'm totally pissed and I want to let it out here, cause this place is the cause of my attitude malfunction. Not only has it taken me forever to get to this friggin' place...when did get in...all royal hell breaks loose! *lights another cig* ( I think I smoked a pack just trying to get to my blog, for cryin' out loud!) Anyway, no matter what I've tried to do, some cyber fuck-up decides that it isn't meant to be. Now I fully realize that this is not qualified as a literary 911 I need to post the final procedure in a brain surgery operation to a surgeon with sporatic memory loss. No fuckin' shit! But damnit I should be able to sit down and knock off a few sentences in a shorter time than it took to give birth to my son. Well, all the bugs (or whatever) are still not worked out why all my fonts keep changing here. Hell, that's a whole nuther' bitch fest in itself. Well, I do feel a bit better now...thanks for bearing with me.....maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck. If'll know!