Saturday, September 08, 2001
Freedom Week
It seems I am to receive a week without the big kid here. So I don't know if I will be means I get to use the big T.V. all by myself. Now I realize men don't think a woman can handle a remote of that magnitude but being the adventurous one I am going to try it out. See why it has to flip through all the stations at each commercial. I am amazed the the manufacturers have not come out yet with a remote that can stay on the same station for more than 5 minutes. Hey, maybe I will invent it and become rich!! Yee Haa.. my ship has come in! Too bad I am at the airport....yeah I know old joke. What can I say.. having got up early on my day off it seems very late and I cannot be held responsible for bad humor. Another reason its nice to have the big kid gone... I can sleep in last day off. It is beyond me why we even have to leave the comfort of our beds on our day offs. If it were up to me I would have a little frig for my nite table and then I wouldn't have to get up all day. Hmmm I know there has to be another invention in there somewhere. Like a headboard that would open to reveal a frig full of snacks. What good is a headboard anyway? Not like you can lay your head on it.....course I guess you have to have someplace to tie the ropes to. LOL.... see you all later. Nite
posted by Anonymous at 10:28 PM | Permalink |