Thursday, September 13, 2001

Let's get busy!

I know that in speaking for myself, (and I'm sure others as well), over the past couple of days, I have run the gambit of emotions. From shock and terror....disbelief and fear....anger then numbness. Now I'm at the point where I want to do something...something that will help make a difference for someone. Now, I'm in no way a rich person, but that doesn't matter here, because even small gestures, done by millions, can produce tremendous results! So there are lots of ways that we can rally together and help those that need us. I've included a link in our side-bar for donations to the Red Cross. All donations (100%) will go to disaster relief. Contact your church or local city agency. Alot of them are collecting not only cash donations, but other items that are needed by the rescue people and/ or victims families. Giving blood is a great idea, although alot of blood banks are saying that they have enough right now, so it might pay to wait a few days. Give the blood bank a call....they'll tell you their status. And send up a prayer....for those lost, for those hanging on to life, for those waiting, for those grieving, for the rescuers, for our Armed Services, for our Leaders, for our planet, for all of us. Peace.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:30 PM | Permalink |