Wednesday, October 24, 2001
There's something about this time of year, that seems to bring out the "darker" side of my personality. I have always been a night person...I love the darkness, the moon and stars, things that lurk in the shadows. And needless to say, this time of year plays right into my love of the dark and mysterious. Cloudy, breezy nights. A chill in the air, and the moon casting shadows under the black, leafless trees. Kind of mysterious and spooky..............I love it. Daytime just doesn't have the same draw for me. I love my nights. Part of me leans towards the dark side. Not too far though. Just to the edge. Went over the edge, long, long ago. I'll never go there again. Ever. Even though I'm a bright, sunny kinda person...ever the optimist...part of me will always be drawn to the darkness. This time of year just brings it to light.
posted by Barbie C. at 7:38 PM | Permalink |