Friday, June 28, 2002
I can't believe I got up and stayed up this morning, as I don't have to be at work till 2:30. Hmmmm. Hubbs made a hell of alot of noise this morning, waking me from a blissful sleep. I think he enjoys doing that to me. Then Jr's alarm went off, so I got his breakfast stuff together, and off he went. By this time I was wide awake, so here I am. I had some nice news yesterday. My sister-in-law Debbie e-mailed me that she and my neice Jackie are going to be in our area over the weekend, and they are gonna try to visit us while they're up here. Nice! I hope we can work out a time frame for them to come over for a bit, as I work till 5 on Friday. It will be so great to see them for awhile! I'm excited!
posted by Barbie C. at 9:42 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Well, another day of testing is over with............Amen. Yesterday, I went and had blood drawn for a series of tests I'm having done, due to that chest pain incident I had last week. No problem, except that it was a "fasting" test, which means no food or drink after midnight the night before. Really not a biggie, except that I'm a zombie without my morning java, and it was a bit rough getting the engines started, if you know what I mean. Now today was even more of a bitch, as I had to drive farther, and be there earlier than yesterday. Shit. I swear I was half asleep on my way there, which is a scary thought, considering I was on the interstate. Well they did an ultrasound on my gallbladder, to see if there's been any change in the stone I have floating around in there. They're guessing that I might have had a gallbladder attack on Monday. I guess we'll see. Luckily, I was outta there in no time, and I had brought a thermos of coffee with me, (good thinking huh?), so I'd have an instant fix as soon as I was done. Now here I am, in my car in the parking lot, pouring my coffee into my mug, and this "parking lot guy" is like motioning for me to hurry and pull out, as someone was waiting to get into my spot. Now let me interject that there were at least 15 or more spots in this lot, but "parking lot guy" takes his job very seriously and wants everyone to hustle along as soon as their ass hits the seat of the car. Well I thought, "fuck you, you idiot, I've been deprived of my coffee all morning, this is currently my spot, and I'm gonna sit here 'till either I get a sip of my coffee or Hell freezes over, you choose". I wish he would have said something to me, cause I was crazed, under-caffinated, and not in the mood to dick around with a parking lot attendant with an attitude. I swear I woulda cracked him a good one. Well, needless to say there were no confrontations, but I did get a few good sips of my coffee before leaving, he leered at me, I rolled my eyes and I was on my way. Nothing too exciting the rest of the day. God it was hot as hell today! Me and 90 friggin' degrees are not friends. I was really glad to get into the house, and pay homage to the wonderful air conditioner!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:35 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Today was one long ass boring day at work. Add to that, the fact that I felt like shit all day. I have this damn cold, and it's really making me miserable, and edgy. I don't like feeling this way at all. As I was driving home tonight, I thought to myself what a beautiful night for just cruising around. Just perfect. I seriously thought about taking "Baby" out for a spin around, but going alone isn't really much fun. Man I had the itch though. Damn.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:48 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, June 20, 2002
I took off work today, and it was a good thing I did. I called the doctors office to get an appt. for my ear ache, and they said they had a slot for me in 15 minutes. I'll be there! Anyway, ear checked out ok, just a clogged tube or something, no biggie. Well, while I was there, I mentioned my incident yesterday, and they decided to set me up with some blood work on Monday, and a sonogram of my gallbladder on Tuesday, suspecting that I might have had a gallbladder attack. I do have a stone in there, but last time I had it checked, there wasn't any reason for concern. Maybe it moved or something.....we'll see on Tuesday. They also gave me an EKG, which read ok. (big relief there) So I feel alot better today, knowing that I'm on the road to getting all this shit figured out. Mid-life bullshit I'll tell ya.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:55 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Well I had one hell of a scare at work yesterday. Around 1pm or so, I got some pains in my chest that brought me to my knees. Damn they were wicked. Joy, my wonderful co-worker and friend, did everything she possibly could to make me comfortable, and help me any way she could. I didn't know what to do, I was freakin' out. (she asked if I needed to go to the hospital, but being a chicken-shit, I said no) I went into the bathroom and layed on the floor, then I went to the recliner isle and stretched out on a recliner for a bit. This was much more comfortable for me, but it was akward as all hell being in a furniture show room with customers strolling by. At the time I didn't care, as at least I was more comfortable than on the bathroom floor. Finally I asked if I could recline in Joys car for a bit, as I had my Vette and that was out of the question. Boss said yeah, Joy said yeah, so out we went to her car, where she opened the windows for me and I reclined the seat. This felt great for awhile........the pain was subsiding, but I was feeling waves of nausea from time to time. My mindset was to head to the bushes if need be. The whole time I felt very out of control because I was at work and away from the comforts of home. Finally I decided that I had to make a break for it and head home. Come hell or high water, I was gonna get my ass home! So I staggered in and told the boss, "I'm outta here", got my stuff and headed out to the car. I threw my shoes in the car, ripped off my jacket, and hit the road. I don't even remember driving at all..........just pulling in the drive, dashing in the house and right into bed. By this time I was feeling better, but I needed to sleep. Thank god, after 4 hours of hell, the pain was gone. I was home. God I thought I was gonna die in a furniture store. Thank goodness for my friends.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:47 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
I brought Laurels ashes home today. It was a bitter sweet experience. It was very hard to go to the Vets, and have them hand me a small white box. I went in with a dog, and left with a box. I drove her home in my 'Vette, and I drove slowly, in silence, as a tribute to my old friend on her last ride. I opened the box in the house, and was pleasantly surprised at the beautiful "urn" they had put her ashes in. It's a beautiful pottery piece, highly glazed, with muted colors of blues and browns. Very pretty. They were also kind enough to include a nice card with her paw print on the front, a beautiful verse inside, and a tiny bag of her fur. I put everything on our buffet, along with her photo, and her favorite ball..........amongst our family photos. She was indeed family. The circle is complete. My girl is home.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:20 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, June 14, 2002
Well, I'm back. Still getting over not having my furry friend around, but it's getting better everyday. I'm still waiting for the vet to call me so I can go and pick up her ashes and bring them home. Then the cycle will be complete. My parents were up for a few days, and we had a really nice visit. We celebrated Hubbies birthday on Sunday with a steak dinner and lots of gifts. On Monday, I went with my Mom to Agway and got all the plants for our veggie garden, then up to Scotland Yard Nursery for some flowers and herbs. My Dad went golfing with Hubby, so they were enjoying the morning in their "guy" way, while Mom and I had our own fun!. To be continued........
posted by Barbie C. at 11:34 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, June 05, 2002

In Memory of our beloved Laurel........Gone but never to be forgotten

December ?, 1986 - June 4, 2002

Today is a very sad day for me. For all of our family. We said goodbye to our furry family member and best friend, Laurel. She was very special to us. To me. To let her go today, was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, even though I know it was for the best. Knowing it was for the best doesn't make it any easier, though. My heart is broken. I miss my friend. Rest in peace my baby girl. I (we) love you.
posted by Barbie C. at 12:08 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, June 02, 2002
I'm awake and moving, with lots to do before I head out later in the afternoon. I have to keep moving along towards getting things together, as thoughts in my head keep saying to stay home and get stuff done around here. Sometimes being a Capricorn is tuff, as I always seem to want to do the "practical" things and not the fun stuff. Like no play till the work is done. Well I figure the work is never done, so hell with it! I'm outta here after dinner! Adios!
posted by Barbie C. at 9:59 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
This is a perfect night, with a cool breeze blowing throught the windows, a zillion sparkly stars in the sky and no sounds but the crickets. This is what Spring's all about. This is wonderful. I'm gonna go to bed and enjoy the night breeze blowing across my face as I fall asleep. Nitey nite. Sweet dreams.
posted by Barbie C. at 1:13 AM | Permalink | 0 comments