Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Well, another day of testing is over with............Amen. Yesterday, I went and had blood drawn for a series of tests I'm having done, due to that chest pain incident I had last week. No problem, except that it was a "fasting" test, which means no food or drink after midnight the night before. Really not a biggie, except that I'm a zombie without my morning java, and it was a bit rough getting the engines started, if you know what I mean. Now today was even more of a bitch, as I had to drive farther, and be there earlier than yesterday. Shit. I swear I was half asleep on my way there, which is a scary thought, considering I was on the interstate. Well they did an ultrasound on my gallbladder, to see if there's been any change in the stone I have floating around in there. They're guessing that I might have had a gallbladder attack on Monday. I guess we'll see. Luckily, I was outta there in no time, and I had brought a thermos of coffee with me, (good thinking huh?), so I'd have an instant fix as soon as I was done. Now here I am, in my car in the parking lot, pouring my coffee into my mug, and this "parking lot guy" is like motioning for me to hurry and pull out, as someone was waiting to get into my spot. Now let me interject that there were at least 15 or more spots in this lot, but "parking lot guy" takes his job very seriously and wants everyone to hustle along as soon as their ass hits the seat of the car. Well I thought, "fuck you, you idiot, I've been deprived of my coffee all morning, this is currently my spot, and I'm gonna sit here 'till either I get a sip of my coffee or Hell freezes over, you choose". I wish he would have said something to me, cause I was crazed, under-caffinated, and not in the mood to dick around with a parking lot attendant with an attitude. I swear I woulda cracked him a good one. Well, needless to say there were no confrontations, but I did get a few good sips of my coffee before leaving, he leered at me, I rolled my eyes and I was on my way. Nothing too exciting the rest of the day. God it was hot as hell today! Me and 90 friggin' degrees are not friends. I was really glad to get into the house, and pay homage to the wonderful air conditioner!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:35 PM | Permalink |