Ch, ch, ch,ch changes....
I'm not fond of change. I don't like it's unpredictability. At least within things staying the same, you tend to know what's up with what. There's a wonderful cushy comfort that goes along with the same ole, same ole, whatever. Now don't get me wrong, looking back, I can recall many times that , yes indeed, change did result in some wonderful encounters, journeys,life lessons, etc. I can also recall, just as vividly, the times when things turned out like shit. So ya see, with me not being the gambling type, I just like to leave stuff alone, not tempting fate one way or the other. I know, I'm boring at times. Deal with it. This is one of those times. What all this blabbering is about is, my best friend of like, 15 years is moving. Away. Where I don't know yet. She lives next door, and seeing the "For Sale" signs in her front yard is surreal to me. Very Twilight Zone-ish to say the least. I guess I always thought we'd be neighbors forever, like 'till we were old ladies, talking through the pine trees about all the goings on in the neighborhood. I had written in an earlier post that her ex husband the asshole, is forcing her to sell... I don't have all the details though. Greedy bastard. I
will find out. She is heart broken. She doesn't want to leave her house, especially since she has put so much of herself into it. I'm in there too, with the mushy memory stuff. We have alot of good memories, of laughing, having a few drinks (well, many) , a smoke (too many) out on the patio on a summer afternoon, talking about everything and nothing, and loving every second of it. Just being friends with nothing to prove to eachother except that we were each happy to be in eachothers company.....if only for a few minutes. It was
refreshing. There are some people that you can
totally be yourself with, the good, bad and ugly, and they don't give a damn. They
always smile when they see you, they
always make you feel special, and they
always make you feel lucky to be their friend. My bestfriend next door is one of those people. In fact, she's my
only "one of those people". And she's moving away from our Hundred Acre Wood. (Long story there.) I am not happy about this at all.