Saturday, September 22, 2001
OK......OK.........she begged me enough... so here it is. My I have to think.. and hey.....thats not my style. Oh shit.. forgot I don't have a style either. I was telling Karma tonight that I had to deal with John Q Public again today. A word to the wise.. when inquiring over the phone about an order you have don't know what "race" your talking about so don't slam a whole race. Remember I am in control of your order!! I believe John Q is going to get her order sometime after christmas. Lifes little victories... sometimes can't be celebrated but the silent revenge is sometimes best of all.... oh yeah... she is waiting for it to arrive Monday.... so much for closing the boarders to the likes of me! LOL Well that was my rant on the races today.. I think I need to hit the hay now.... Siesta time! LOL later everyone.
posted by Anonymous at 12:53 AM | Permalink |