Friday, October 12, 2001
Well, I'm feeling a bit better than I was on Wednesday. Hell, I felt like I was gonna die or something. I seem have a problem where health issues are I don't deal with them very well. In fact, I don't deal with them at all. I find myself at this stage somewhere between I'm young and nuthins' gonna happen to me, and, oh shit...everythings wrong with me. Usually I just try not to dwell on the little things. All of us have our aches and pains and such.......nothing that a bit of ibuprophen (or vicodin) can't smooth over. But then at times, like after I see enuff cancer and heart disease ads and stories, I'm like "oh my God, maybe I have that shit!!" So you see, I can swing from let's pop a Tylenol... to call the mortician, a heartbeat. Most of the time I just try to stay in a comfortable state of medical denial. I'll probably regret it someday. Anyway, for now, I am feeling better. Better living thru chemicals, indeed.
posted by Barbie C. at 8:45 PM | Permalink |