Friday, January 18, 2002
I just got done shoveling the snow from my driveway. You have no idea what a miracle this is. I haven't shoveled snow in friggin' years, but since Hubbs is driving home tonight instead of tomorrow, I wanted him to be able to get in the drive safely. Especially since he's not going to be here till after 2 a.m.. Anyway, I survived the shoveling without a heartattack. (Refer back to Wednesday...."survived walk without heartattack"). Hey, this shit happens. So yeah, Hubbs is heading North as I type. I left him a voice-mail this morning about the snowstorm that was gonna move in tomorrow, and that maybe he should get his butt in gear and haul it on home early. He is. I'm glad. I won't be happy 'till I know he's in the house and safe though. Work today just makes me long for my upcoming weeks vacation even more. The idiots were prime today..........I just kept to myself. Tomorrow is gonna be a bitch....Saturdays always are, with both teams working 4 hours together..... retail bedlam at it's finest! Then we found out today, that on Monday and Tuesday we're having some kinda January clearance sale, and we're working 10 to 10. Surprise! Holy MacShit Ronald! The only thing that's gonna motivate me through those two days, is knowing that I'll be off the whole following week. Amen!
posted by Barbie C. at 11:22 PM | Permalink |