Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Thank goodness I'm finally starting to feel like myself again! The past two weeks have been pure hell on the work front, therefore the lack of posts here. first off, one of my co-workers was on vacation for 12 days and another ended up in the hospital for major surgery, leaving only three of us working for over a week. Not only did this mean endless running after customers, but no dinner hours and very few bathroom breaks to boot. It's tiring as hell with 5 of us on the floor, but with three.......well it stretched us to our limits. Then last week I found out I lost a big sale due to an error made by one of the girls in the office. When I spoke to the ball-less asshole we loosely call our manager, he basically told me tuff beans, these things happen, get over it. And he really didn't give a shit about my customer, or the fact that she was rightfully upset about the whole ordeal. Well, it literally made me ill to know that even though I can write a sale perfectly, I can lose it all at any time, and there are no resources to back me up. I cried, I was so upset. Not only did I lose money, but a current customer and a future one as well, as she was going to buy more things from me in the future. I don't need this shit. I had to come home from work on Monday because I was feeling lousy, like I had the flu or something, but I truely believe that part of the reason I felt the way I did was due to the stress I felt from the lost sale incident. Well hopefully I won't have to deal with this bullshit much longer. Soooooooo...... my best friend and I have been saying for a long time, that we should be in business together, and we came up with a brilliant idea the other day. And guess what? We're gonna persue it. Hell ya! Can't say much about it yet, as we don't believe there is anything out there like it, and we don't want anyone beating us to the punch. So till we have everything wrapped up legally, mums the word. Exciting indeed! Turning lemons into lemonade we are!! Yup, yup!
posted by Barbie C. at 10:38 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2002

Happy 20th birthday Amanda!

Why don't you drop in at and wish a sweet young lady, a very Happy 20th birthday? I'm sure she'd love it!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:37 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Ok, so I haven't posted in 10 days. Bite me. Sometimes real life happens while you're blogging. And although I do love sitting down and writing here, at times I just like to turn the ole brain off completely, and just veg out. No thoughts, no typing, nuthin' my friend. Brain silence. And then again, at times I just don't wanna replay my whole freakin' day sucked the first time around, and the last thing I want to do is re-hash the whole damn thing all over again. Get it? Got it.

I think I'm kinda in a blog boredom phase here lately. (see I go through alot of phases. I'm kinda like the moon!) Anyway, even reading them lately has become a bore for me. They're all basically the same, in one manner or another. Just different layouts and graphics, opinions and links, photos and comments. After awhile though, they all blurr together in a whirl of html code and bullshit. Like a big "journalist- wannabe" garbage disposal. Boring. This is boring. I'm done venting. Nuff said.
posted by Barbie C. at 10:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2002
Once again, I've stayed up waaay too late, in a desperate effort to prolong my days off. Problem is, I'll sleep in late today, and probably drag my ass all afternoon. Hmmmmmm........actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I was gonna bitch about wasting half the day, and yada, yada, but forget it. Dragging my lazy ass around, on a lazy Sunday afternoon sounds okey-dokey to me!
posted by Barbie C. at 2:53 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 09, 2002
Personally, I'm not much of an Olympics fanatic. I do enjoy the figure skating and the skiing, but I'm not gonna break into a sweat if I miss the stuff either. What I do want to say, is that the opening ceremonies are just awe inspiring, to say the least. I can't even imagine, in my wildest dreams, the planning and work that is involved in pulling off a spectacle of that magnitude. It was utterly magnificent! Bravo! I'm done. I've used up all my big words for the day. Nite!
posted by Barbie C. at 12:11 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
I've been feeling helpless lately, and being a Capricorn, I don't do helpless well at all. See, we like to be in control of the situation at all times, and if & when we can't, it's a frustrating thing to us. I'm frustrated. See, my best friend is going through some really rough, life changing stuiff right now, and all I can do is offer support, and let her know that I'm there for her. She says it's enuff, I don't feel it is. I want to make everything okay, make the light at the end of the tunnel appear brighter....and closer. She's as strong as steel, but right now she doesn't feel it. I want to make her feel strong. We've been on alot of "journeys" together, but this is a big one. And yeah, I'm there for the long haul, but I wish I could do more. More than just a phone call or visit. I want to snap my fingers and make things right, for this wonderful lady that only deserves the best that life has to offer. And the best will be hers....after the dust settles and the smoke clears. But trudging through the dust and smoke is a bitch, and sometimes because of the debris, you can't see the rainbow thats at the end of it all. I want to lead her to the rainbow. I know that we all have our own journeys to travel, and knowing that we have people that love us in our corner helps to carry us through. Been there. But I so wish there was more I could do.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:55 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, February 04, 2002
Wow did we get some major snow today! Normally, this would not even turn our heads here, but this winter has been so mild that when we do get dumped on we're like "what the hell"! My guys dug out the driveway, and cleaned off all our vehicles, so we're business as usual again. I cleaned the carpets today.......whoooohoooo! Damn were they bad! It feels so goods to have them smelling and looking clean again. I'll tell ya, when dogs get old, they stink to high heaven if you don't bathe them, like every other day. Ugh. Well, with the major cleaning job out of the way, tomorrow I chill. Cruise. Veg. Whatever you wanna call it. I'm so there. I've been working on my Klutter2 site for quite awhile now, and though it isn't as fancy as alot of sites out there, I'm pretty happy with it. I'm sure I'll be changing it and updating it dozens of times before I'm really satisfied! Keeps me out of trouble, eh?
posted by Barbie C. at 11:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 02, 2002
Nuthin' much new here in La La Land....pretty much the same ole stuff. Went back to work on Wednesday, and I gotta tell ya, it still sucks there. I thought that maybe after a week off, my perspective would change about the whole place. Nah, it still friggin' sucks. In fact, after some time off, it's even more noticable to me. I'm already trying to figure out when my next week off will be. Can you tell that my sanity revolves around the days I don't work? We all got called into the "wardens" office today, and got either write-ups or verbal warnings regarding our sales and warranty figures. My last warning was a year ago, in January, and the asshole asks me what the problem is and if there's any training he can offer me? Shit, I had one low month in a friggin' year, and you're gonna make a big ass deal out of it? Get the hell away from me before I rip your head off! The pressure there is unreal. According to the "wardens", we sales people do no right, and are the root of all evil at the store. If it wasn't for the sales teams, they wouldn't have jobs. Assholes. Man I can't wait to start another day tomorrow!
posted by Barbie C. at 1:20 AM | Permalink | 0 comments