Tuesday, February 05, 2002
I've been feeling helpless lately, and being a Capricorn, I don't do helpless well at all. See, we like to be in control of the situation at all times, and if & when we can't, it's a frustrating thing to us. I'm frustrated. See, my best friend is going through some really rough, life changing stuiff right now, and all I can do is offer support, and let her know that I'm there for her. She says it's enuff, I don't feel it is. I want to make everything okay, make the light at the end of the tunnel appear brighter....and closer. She's as strong as steel, but right now she doesn't feel it. I want to make her feel strong. We've been on alot of "journeys" together, but this is a big one. And yeah, I'm there for the long haul, but I wish I could do more. More than just a phone call or visit. I want to snap my fingers and make things right, for this wonderful lady that only deserves the best that life has to offer. And the best will be hers....after the dust settles and the smoke clears. But trudging through the dust and smoke is a bitch, and sometimes because of the debris, you can't see the rainbow thats at the end of it all. I want to lead her to the rainbow. I know that we all have our own journeys to travel, and knowing that we have people that love us in our corner helps to carry us through. Been there. But I so wish there was more I could do.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:55 AM | Permalink |