Friday, January 18, 2002
You know, I just love my new car, but lately it's driving me buggy with starting problems. Problem doesn't want to start. Well, when it wants to start it does. Unfortunately, this usually doesn't coincide with when I want it to start. There you have it. Just call my car "Christine". For those of you that might not have seen the movie, it's about a posessed car named Christine. Now, I have asked three different guys what the problem is, and I got three different answers. And you wonder why I want to learn about auto mechanics. Nuff said. I guess I'll just have to wait till Hubbs takes a look at it, and we decide what needs to be done to remedy this annoying situation. The sooner the better. Right now, she's being cooperative....even allowing the remote starter to do it's thing. Tomorrow morning.........who knows. Guess we'll have to see what mood "Christine" is in when it's time to leave for work.
posted by Barbie C. at 11:34 PM | Permalink |