Monday, February 04, 2002
Wow did we get some major snow today! Normally, this would not even turn our heads here, but this winter has been so mild that when we do get dumped on we're like "what the hell"! My guys dug out the driveway, and cleaned off all our vehicles, so we're business as usual again. I cleaned the carpets today.......whoooohoooo! Damn were they bad! It feels so goods to have them smelling and looking clean again. I'll tell ya, when dogs get old, they stink to high heaven if you don't bathe them, like every other day. Ugh. Well, with the major cleaning job out of the way, tomorrow I chill. Cruise. Veg. Whatever you wanna call it. I'm so there. I've been working on my Klutter2 site for quite awhile now, and though it isn't as fancy as alot of sites out there, I'm pretty happy with it. I'm sure I'll be changing it and updating it dozens of times before I'm really satisfied! Keeps me out of trouble, eh?
posted by Barbie C. at 11:38 PM | Permalink |